100 Submissions in 100 Days – #8 Tin House

I spent most of today checking the submission periods listed on the public Google doc Journals That Pay FOR POEMS to be sure that I wasn’t missing any publications that expire this month. Good thing I did! Tin House changed their submission policy and ONLY take unsolicited submissions during September which means that TODAY is the last day for me to submit! SO… on to the details for today’s submission.

From the About Us page:

The first issue of Tin House magazine arrived in the spring of 1999, the singular lovechild of an eclectic literary journal and a beautiful glossy magazine. Publisher Win McCormack said of the effort, “I wanted to create a literary magazine for the many passionate readers who are not necessarily literary academics or publishing professionals.”

With the help of New York editors Rob Spillman and Elissa Schappell, along with managing editor Holly MacArthur, McCormack accomplished just that. Tin House offers an artful and irreverent array of fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and interviews as well as columns on food and drink, out-of-print and underappreciated books, and a literary crossword puzzle. Perhaps most indicative of the magazine’s mission to stake out new territory and showcase not only established, prize-winning authors is its commitment that every issue include the work of an undiscovered fiction writer and poet.

From their submission guidelines:

We accept unsolicited submissions twice a year: in September and March.

Please submit only one story or essay (10,000-word limit), or up to five poems at a time. Multiple submissions will be returned unread. We ask that you please wait until you hear back from us before submitting new work for consideration. If you currently have a submission in our system but wish to submit something new instead, please withdraw the older submission via Submittable.

We shall do our best to respond within six months but this period may be longer. If you have not received a response from us within six months, we will be happy to receive e-mail inquiries and will do our best to respond. (For the remainder of 2016, response times may be slow as we dedicate ourselves to reading the record number of submissions received in the last reading period.) Please do not call the office with inquiries. We appreciate your patience!

Tin House does accept simultaneous submissions. In the event that the work is accepted for publication elsewhere, please do us the courtesy of informing us promptly.

Only previously unpublished works will be considered for publication.

Cover letters should include a word count and indicate whether the submission is fiction, nonfiction, or poetry.

Manuscripts transmitted via fax or e-mail will not be accepted for consideration.

I do notice that quite a few publications prefer or specify that they want previously unpublished works. Most don’t define what they consider to be “published” whereas some go so far to say that anything posted publicly online (even if it is in a personal blog) is considered published. I personally am in the process of moving my poetry from public to private on my blogs to avoid any conflict.

From what I can see, there does not seem to be an online archive to give examples of this mag’s prior work so I am shooting in the dark since I don’t have time to order a back issue. Taking a HUGE chance but we shall see what ends up coming out of it.

I am going to submit one prose piece to the fiction category, and select five poems from the ones I did from prompts on Rachel Mckibbens’ blog over the years. Crossing my fingers!

Are you submitting your work to journals and magazines? What has your experience been so far? I would love to hear from you in the comments!

2010-12 Me at Firestage 2

100 Submissions in 100 Days – #7 The Nashville Review

I am getting into a groove with this submission thing I think. It takes a while for each one because once I find one that is open, I have to read some of the prior issues so that I know what the “feel” of the journal is. THEN, I have to go through my poems to see which one(s) fit that feel. Today I am doing that process with Nashville Review

Nashville Review is a publication of Vanderbilt University that has content going back to at least 2010 (that’s as far as I scrolled through). They don’t have an “About” page, though.

Their submission guidelines are very thorough so I will only put the most pertinent parts that apply to me here.

You may submit fiction, poetry, and nonfiction three times a year: January, May and September.

All submissions may be made through our online submissions manager. Please do not email your submission, as it will not be read. We encourage simultaneous submissions: if your work is accepted elsewhere, wonderful! Just leave a note via Submittable, so we know the piece has been taken elsewhere.

We’re excited to read all types of poetry. We’re entirely open to publishing tight formalism alongside sprawling, experimental work.

Following our website redesign, we’re placing a much greater emphasis on visual art. Beginning with Spring 2015, each subsequent issue will have a featured artist. This allows for up to thirteen pieces of your art to be showcased, and to be paid $100 for doing so. Submissions must be in a landscape/horizontal orientation. Ideal dimensions are 1492×682. Other sizes will end up being slightly cropped. Work—paintings, drawings, photography—may be submitted as attachments to the Editor at thenashvillereview@gmail.com, or simply direct us to your website if it showcases available work.

I’ve included the artist guidelines since I may submit some of my art as well. Not sure yet, though.

From their submission form:

Up to five poems may be submitted. Please submit and upload all poems into one file. Length limit: 8 pages. Only one submission per open reading period.

I went ahead and submitted five poems to this journal. Fingers crossed!

Are you submitting your work to journals and magazines? What has your experience been so far? I would love to hear from you in the comments!

2009-00 me at HomeBase

100 Submissions in 100 Days – #6 Brightly Press (Contest Entry)

Today’s submission to Brightly Press is NOT from the public Google doc  Journals That Pay FOR POEMS. I actually came across this one on Trish Hopkinson’s website from this entry in her blog. Since it is a contest, it kind of is in a different category but I will count it because I have to get to 100 dang it.

This contest is sponsored by the Brightly Press specifically for their Facebook friends, so I made sure to LIKE their page before submitting.

From the about page on Facebook:

Brightly Press publishes writers that excite us. Our writing contests are open to all. We do not favor established artists over new, we look at the work.

Brightly Press is owned and operated by Kelle Grace Gaddis. The press was founded in May of 2014. Assistant editor, Martin O’Malley.

From the contest information:

How to enter:

1) Submit one to three poems to brightlypress@gmail.com by October 31st. No theme. Open to all styles.

2) Visit the Brightly Press Facebook page on November 15th to see if you’ve won. Winners will also be posted at our website http://www.brightlypress.com.

3) If they receive fewer than 30 entries we may extend the submission date.

Prizes – All winners will be published by on the Brightly Press website in addition to the following awards

1st Prize – $100 and a copy of Shake The Tree Volume Two (A $30 book that we sell for $15 to provide affordable access to the voices of our time).
2nd Prize – $50 and a copy of Shake The Tree Volume Two.
3rd Prize – A copy of Shake The Tree Volume Two

It doesn’t specify the format for submission. In the email? As an attachment? If as an attachment, what kind of file? I submitted 3 poems in a Word file with each poem on a separate page and my information on the first page. This was in addition to having the information in the email itself.  Wish me luck!

Are you submitting your work to journals and magazines? What has your experience been so far? I would love to hear from you in the comments!




100 Submissions in 100 Days – #4 The Baltimore Review

I am still going down the list in the public Google document Journals That Pay FOR POEMS. So far I have submitted to A Public Space (five poems), to AGNI (three poems), and to Alyss (four poems). I think this is the last day that I will list all the prior journals. I can see how by the end it would take up the whole post! >_<

I have to admit that I find this entire process deeply intimidating since prior to now I have usually been approached by people familiar with my work to submit to the zine or journal they edit. The only time that wasn’t the case was the very first submission where I wrote a poem specifically for that particular online journal and thankfully was accepted.   This is where the “results not typical” asterisk pops up at the bottom of the screen.

Of course in all of those cases, it was UNPAID publications. Which I suppose is why these current submissions are a bit more mentally challenging even though I have decided NOT to write new work for each. Even with this, the process of sifting through my archive of HUNDREDS of poems that I have written over the past FIFTEEN YEARS is somewhat daunting. BUT I AM DOING IT ANYWAY!

On to today’s submissionThe Baltimore Review.

From their about page:

The Baltimore Review was founded by Barbara Westwood Diehl in 1996 as a literary journal publishing short stories and poems, with a mission to showcase the best writing from the Baltimore area, from across the U.S., and beyond. Our mission remains just that. However, in our online format, we can now bring that fine writing to the world’s attention, more frequently, and at less cost. We can also explore new ways to bring the world of writers and writing to the reader’s attention.

From their submission guidelines:

Payment for non-contest submissions is Web exposure, a copy of the annual compilation in which the author’s work appears, and a small payment ($40 Amazon gift certificate or $40 through PayPal, if preferred). We hope to continue this as long as funding is available. We also nominate our contributors’ work for every possible prize, and we send copies of the print compilation to the Best American series and other prize anthologies.

Submit 1-3 poems. No fee. Please submit all poems in one document, not individually. If you later need to withdraw one or two poems, please note this in Submittable. No need to email us. No need to withdraw the submission. One submission per reading period. Name, address, phone number, and email address on top of the page for each poem. Or include contact information in your bio box. Poems should be single-spaced, titled, with clear stanza breaks.

I submitted three poems to this journal. Per the info in the Google doc linked above, the average response time is 90 days. Wish me luck!

Are you submitting your work to journals and magazines? What has your experience been so far? I would love to hear from you in the comments!



Anything and everything poetry–check out this extensive resource on textetc.com — Trish Hopkinson

Originally posted on Trish Hopkinson: This poetry site has everything! Set aside some time to browse textetc.com and it’s in depth listings, resources, workshop exercises, and more. The Resources page alone can keep you intrigued for hours. It includes detailed pages devoted to the following topics: Poetry Online – ezine directories and other online poetry…

via Anything and everything poetry–check out this extensive resource on textetc.com — Trish Hopkinson

100 Submissions in 100 Days – #2 AGNI

I am going down the list from the public Google document Journals That Pay FOR POEMS. Yesterday’s post was A Public Space, where I did TWO submissions of a total of FIVE poems but I am only counting it as ONE submission.

Today’s submission will be to AGNI. AGNI was founded in 1972 at Antioch College by undergraduate Askold Melnyczuk, a then-aspiring (now accomplished) writer with his own vision of a vehicle for alternative news, visual arts, and literature. Melnyczuk was interested in creating a magazine that would feature a new generation of writers and visual artists. AGNI publishes poetry, short fiction, and essays.

From their guidelines page is some good news for those accepted:

Thanks to a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts, every writer AGNI publishes in 2015, whether in print or online, will receive double our old standard rates. AGNI now pays $20 per page for prose and $40 per page for poetry, with a $300 maximum. We believe writers should be paid as well as possible, and we’re proud to have been paying equally for print and web publication since the advent of AGNI Online in 2003.

To submit, you have to create a profile. The submission guidelines are linked on the profile creation page. I couldn’t find where it gave an approximate time for them to let people know if the work had been accepted or not. I also didn’t see any specification on what type of file they preferred to receive. In the Google document linked above, it lists the average response time as 70 days so I will add that to my submissions reply reminder calendar.

The submission fee is listed as zero on the public Google document Journals That Pay FOR POEMS, but you can’t read full prior issues online. You have to order the print magazine issue to see the full content, but they do have a few titles available to read online. Just like with my prior submission, I read the items found online.

From the items they have on their online magazine, the overall style feels intellectual and sometimes abstract. It also seems that they favor shorter poems. I am going to send a three of my best poems (different than the ones submitted to A Public Space) and see what happens. Wish me luck! ^_^

Are you submitting your work? What has your experience been so far? I would love to hear from you in the comments!



100 Submissions in 100 Days – #1 A Public Space

The first submission I will do is to A Public Space.

A Public Space is an independent magazine of literature and culture founded in 2006. Most of the categories are accepting submissions until April 2017, but there are a couple that end soon so be sure to check these out ASAP. Their submission guidelines can be found on the About page (you’ll have to scroll down to see the section).

From the first paragraph of the guidelines:

We accept unsolicited submissions from September 15–April 15, and recommend reading an issue or two before you submit your work—subscribe today or explore the online archive. The best way to submit is through Submittable: it’s easy to use, saves time and paper and postage, and enables you to keep track of your submission.

It is pretty much standard advice to read the journal you are submitting to so that you know what their “sound” or “vibe” is and can submit work that compliments it. The reading is the part that makes submitting take so long for me. If not for that sage bit of instruction, I could just pick random files from my archive and send away willy-nilly. This is NOT a good way to do it! :-P

Now be advised that for this particular publication they DO NOT let you read full prior issues online if you are not a subscriber to their magazine. There are a few items listed as “Public Access”, but most of the entries are just the first paragraph. So, even though the submission fee is listed as zero on the Journals that PAY FOR POEMS  public Google document, if you actually want to read the ALL content, it will cost the price of a subscription. I personally only read the public access content since my life does not allow for much recreational reading these days.

I submitted one poem to one category and four poems in another. Because they are a quarterly journal, the response time can be upwards of four months. Wish me luck! ^_^

Are you submitting your work? What has your experience been so far? I would love to hear from you in the comments!


100 Rejections in 100 Days

The day after tomorrow there will only be 100 days left in 2016. I can’t even remember where I read about having a goal of 100 rejections in a year. With the year winding down I guess that means I will have to go for 100 rejections in 100 days.

I have THOUSANDS of poems if one counts haiku/senryu/couplets and the like. Heck, even NOT counting the micro-poetry, I have HUNDREDS of poems. So the hard part will be to decide WHICH poems to submit WHERE.

Because I am on a budget, I will have to find 100 literary mags that DON’T charge a submission fee. This public Google Doc has 172 lit mags that pay for poetry and a lot of them are free submissions.

Now, I could have titled this “100 SUBMISSIONS in 100 Days,” but the idea is that the ratio of acceptance is low so it’s best to just assume that they all are going to be rejected and then it is slightly less heartbreaking to get the “no” letters. That is the theory anyway. We’ll see how it actually goes.

Wish me luck and stay tuned for updates as I submit and get replies! ^_^




List of PAYING lit mags from Poetry Has Value + poets share their $$$ stats

I have not been submitting my poetry but Trish has great information about it (as always).

Trish Hopkinson

phv2Poetry Has Value is a blog created by professor and poet Jessica Piazza. Jessica is a great supporter of poets and has been tracking her poetry dollars since early 2015. For 2016, she’s not alone–several other poets have committed to sharing their dollars spent on submission fees and other related purchases in comparison to the money they bring in for publications. You’ll recognize names like Karen Craigo, creator of Better View of the Moon blog and Sarah Frances Moran, editor of Yellow Chair Review, along with many other talented poets–all contributing to the efforts of Poetry Has Value. With bold transparency, you can see directly into their submission/publication process, where they submit, what it costs, what they bring in.

Her blog description reads:

“Here you’ll find posts about my experiences over the year, but also lists of paying markets, interviews with and advice from editors and publishers who pay…

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