Sailing Into Black History – Finding the Funds

The main thing that could be a road block to achieving the goal of setting sail June 2016 is going to be the money. With that in mind I have been researching potential sponsors. Just now I got my monthly reminder about the Amy Lowell annual travel scholarship for American poets!

Of course it’s too late to apply for 2015 (the deadline was October 15), but I can definitely apply in March for the 2016 award. I am not college educated or officially published, so I am hoping that the historical aspect of the journey will give me a boost. The catch of course is that I won’t be able to come back to North America for a whole year. Twelve months along the South American coast? Aw bummer! ;-)

If for some reason I don’t get the 2016 award, perhaps by 2017 I will be better qualified. I plan on contacting every publishing house and literary magazine to get advice on getting funding and in the process perhaps get some buzz in the literary world enough to get funded for the Europe/Africa/Asia portion. Wish me luck!

Thanks for reading!

Another New Year Is Coming

I have not been very poetic in 2015. Since I am focusing on the Sailing Into Black History project, I don’t see that changing soon. :-/

But… every December I feel like I should re-dedicate myself to this blog. I may not post new poems here, but I would like to at the very least bring back my “Throw Back Thursday” posts and the “New Trick Tuesday” poetry form posts.

So please stay tuned and thanks so much for reading!